Sunday, April 23, 2006

Chanchal (Hindi)

No the post ain't in Hindi! Just could not think of another name for it in English.
This characteristic is so inherent to us humans. As children we get attracted to lot things around us. We have often seen kids leave what they are doing and run behind something new. This observation often stands good for grown ups as well. As men/women we tend to neglect such behavior and not really notice the attraction that drove us away from our task at hand!

It is so amazing! We know what we have to do; we still go to try new things. For a kid who is exploring this world it is pretty obvious to leave something that is at hand (which he now feels is his _OWN_) and ask / go for something different, new, something that he does not _POSSES_ yet!
But, we grown ups; We know where are we headed, yet we end up bitten by the same attraction / want / urge / longing bug that those kids are fall pray to. I do not understand why does this happen? Why can we not get over these urges, get back on track and head for where we _planed_ to be doing? Are we still kids within? They say the kid in you does not die! Is it the reason? What is it?

I for sure do not have the answer... I am myself a victim.


At 2:35 AM, May 06, 2006, Blogger optimism said...

Not only do they say the kid in you does not die but also that you MUSTN'T LET IT to remain sane and enjoy in this God forsaken world of ours!

Anyways, just dropped by to let you know that I had written a follow-up to the article on Ms. Kyi absolving our trusted President titled 'ADDENDUM'. Kindly Check it out.


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