I am ashamed!
We (me and 2 friends of mine) were out to book a costume for a function at office. It was busy road in the heart of the Pune city and as usual had no space to park the vehicle. So I did wait for someone to move their vehicle so that I could park mine. By then succumbing to the frustration of lack of space my other two friends had parked their vehicle right in the gate of this building where this costume shop is situated. We were accompanied by another friend who was now talking with me as the other friend was on the business to book to costume. Some time passed by me and the friend discussed so many different topics. Then came an old couple, in the late 50s and uncle saw the vehicle and was all furious!!
"Are you people illiterate? Do you people NOT have ANY sense of parking?"
Now this was fine. We were at fault I said sorry, and the friend moved the vehicle, made way for the uncle to pass by; But uncle insisted that we remove the vehicle from that place and when I tried convincing him otherwise was firing all guns out, arguing with me. I also got carried away in the heat of the air and started arguing with him! In the same heat I did shout at him! I felt bad! I do not like shouting at elders! I do not do that come what may! Today that principle of mine was torn to pieces by none other than myself! I stopped the argument, just did not answer to him pulled vehicle aside.
The aunty who was till now aggressive now went in some consolidation mode! This made me more ashamed! I had a question; did I act in a fashion that made her feel insecure that I might turn hostile? Now that was it! I just lost all my anger and a feeling of guilt had filled me!
I feel I should be more careful acting with elders hence forth! But then I still have some questions un-answered! How does one look (with respect) at elderly people who always overlook the rules themselves and ask us the "Younger" generation to stay by them? for e.g. if you have to cross a road light might be green for vehicles these elderly people just walk in the middle; risking their own life. When confronted by a youngster they end up telling him, you guys do NOT follow traffic rules!!! Now, what would they tell, should the guy riding the bike is another uncle?
Well, whatever be the standards the old people follow! I feel I should stick to my principles and not shout at them or show any sort of disrespect towards them! I shall take care!
You can not sit there. It is reserved for Ladies!!!!!
You enter a bus seemingly empty! But remember empty only on the right hand side front seats and yet few men standing. Some ladies sitting on the left side and chatting away to glory! Just then a gentleman walks in and sits on the seat on the right as it was empty and well to his surprise he is confronted by the Pune Municipal Transport (PMT) checkers who claim that the gentleman is guilty of sitting on the Ladies reserved seat, although it was empty, although there lady passengers in the bus who could have occupied those seats vacating the "Non -Reserved" ones for the men standing in the queue. But "NO" neither the authorities understand the ground reality while making the "Reservation" rule nor do the people who take advantage try to understand it.
The reservation for women in the bus was one of the funniest rules I have seen being made in y life. Going by this rate please do not be surprised if you end up at a "Govt. Controlled Store" need a life saving drug, have 3 counters two with 10 people waiting in each and the 3rd absolutely empty coz it is reserved for some people may be "Officers" or may be "Ladies" or may be "Backward Class". What would you do but to curse yourself being in a country who is still reeling in the realm of "Reservations!!!" right from house of representatives to the bus sitting arrangement!! All have reservation of some or the other type.
There he is! Trying to fight the odds of Trees and Night! Right side he has already enlightened it is time he does the left side as well!!
Pre-Marital Sex!
Last week Pune Times came out with a an article with a flashy head line about this topic. The article was claiming some figures about young India's perception of "Pre Marital Sex" and their openness to it. I almost let this article pass out of mind until it was yesterday, that I was asked to present my views by two of my close friends about this topic. Though the topic was a little digressed more towards our group and we guys in person. I was caught little off guard!
It all started with a situation where in I am in the US and "Unmarried", would i go the path to lose my Virginity with a person other than my “would be” life partner? or resist from it and present my self Virgin to my future life partner? The answer was clear to me and I gave it with no ambiguity too booth of them! This was the second path I would take and be patient! But, one of us had some other ideas and was of the opinion that, we might miss something, if we do not live that moment in life and "enjoy" at that very moment in our life.
Later the discussion moved over to another topic, this time one which almost took me by surprise again. "What is a chance that you would get a Virgin wife?" I was not expecting this to be a topic discussed with most us barring me saying "very less chance" and making remarks like what is the guaranty that she has not had affairs earlier!
What took me off was the uncertainty and suspicion they for their future life partners! I mean if people take this stand and start doubting their life partners they would barely be able to live their life with any peace. It is really the emotional bond you establish with your life partner that last for long than the other marital attractions. It is important that you accept your life partner as he/she is and not try to peel off the past every now and then that would make your relationship a one with bruises and bitterness than a one with sweetness and love! To many in the twenties love means/resembles lust! May be in the initial stage of marriage it might be true, to not so some extent, but then that does not really last for long!!(That’s what I have read at least!!!)
If fact yesterday's discussion reached a stage where I was told it could destroy the entire family (parents and siblings!) if your life partner has had any Pre-Marital Affairs or Pre-Marital Sex!
Now for that matter I would say even if you get a "Virgin Partner" (per say) but due to some reason of your own you go own to have an Extra Marital Affair! Now what? Who is betraying the partner? Who is at fault? This discussion can lead to a very very personal part of someone's life where only good people to comment are the two partners involved! I would rather like to keep away from this analysis as I feel this is really not needed! The base line is it is not important if you get a Virgin life partner, but it is utmost important if you get a partner who cares for you, loves you for being with him/her, and commits to be with you all the life!
Rather than discussing if I would get a Virgin life partner I would suggest, do think on building a relationship and a bond of love and care with your life partner. That would help a lot in future. Thinking "if I would get a Virgin life partner?" only sends negative Vibes through your mind and sets it up for a wrong and biased analysis of the situation. Hence avoid such thoughts and live happily!